一起做白日夢勇闖冰島大冒險 🇮🇸

冰島的奇幻之旅始於雷克雅維克,這座魅力無限的城市融合了現代建築和自然美景。從哈爾格林姆教堂的尖塔眺望整個城市,感受古代熔岩流的神秘韻味。而在雷克雅維克附近,藍湖和金圈等著您一探究竟,讓您深刻體驗冰島的獨特魅力。進一步探險,沿著冰島環島公路,徜徉於壯麗的瀑布、冰川湖和原始海岸線之間,每一個轉彎都是一段新的冒險。 MOCO AIRLINES 誠摯邀請您加入我們,一起展開探索世界的壯闊之旅。

一起做白日夢勇闖冰島大冒險 🇮🇸


冰島只有33 萬的人口,感覺像是地球上最偏遠孤立的地方,但其實從雷克雅維克搭機只需飛行三小時即可抵達倫敦,不到六小時即可飛抵紐約。雷克雅維克既不像大鎮,也不像小城,卻是魅力十足的地方。這裡也有宏偉的城市建築,設計靈感來自冰島的大自然美景。有如童話故事冰雪城堡的尖塔,哈爾格林姆教堂 (Hallgrímskirkja) 高聳的中央塔俯瞰著整個雷克雅維克。教堂的設計反映了古代熔岩流的地理形狀,全 世界很少有教堂如此尊崇大自然。冰島的會議和音樂中心Harpa 則反映了城市的天 空、海港和文化能量。這再次證明本島的多變地質構造也在此地得到充分尊重,而同樣倍受尊重的還有冬季奇觀北極光。 冰島人也非常珍惜他們的文物建築。當雷克雅維克在二十世紀中步入現代化至今,許多當地的古老建築全遷移至本城的最後一個農場。現今的 Arbaejarsafn 是一座博物 館,讓訪客彷彿走入早期歲月。 國立冰島博物館帶您穿越冰島古今歷史,從現在航向新住⺠村落誕生時期。無論走到本城的任何角落,向您招手的永遠是原始大自然... 風吹拂著水面穿過山岳,進入一望無際的地平線。

With a population of only 330,000, Iceland can feel like the most isolated place on earth, yet Reykjavik is only a three-hour flight from London, and just under six from New York. Reykjavik is one of those places that’s not sure if it’s big town, or a small city, and therein lays its charm.Yet there's grand civic architecture here too, buildings truly inspired by Iceland’s natural beauty. Like a spire from a fairy tale ice- castle, the soaring central tower of Hallgrímskirkja watches over all of Reykjavik. Designed to mirror the geometric shapes of ancient lava flows, few other churches

in the world so honour the natural world. Iceland’s conference and concert center, Harpa, is designed to reflect the city’s sky, harbour and cultural energy.
Icelanders value their heritage buildings too. When Reykjavík modernised in the mid-twentieth century, dozens of the city’s older buildings were relocated to the last of the city’s farms. Today, Arbaejarsafn, serves as a museum which allows visitors to walk through the pages of earlier times. While at the National Museum of Iceland, take a voyage through Icelandic history, from the present day, back to the Settlement Age. Wherever you step in this city, nature beckons you,...over windswept waters, across the mountains, and into limitless horizons.



許多國家級熱門景點多位於雷克雅維克附近,搭乘公共交通工具即可抵達。可讓您深入感受冰島精神的地方莫過於藍湖 (Blue Lagoon)。 這裡和島上成千上萬座的火山溫泉,都是當地居⺠泡地熱溫泉,和鄰居聊八卦,甚至開商務會議的地點。雷克雅維克附近有著名的金圈 (Golden Circle),四周圍繞冰島三大自然奇景。離首都僅 30 哩處有辛格維爾國家公園 (Thingvellir National Park),國家公園是公認冰島的核心與精神重鎮。這裡是兩大洲的板塊交界處北美和歐洲大陸,千年以來於此緩慢漂離。站在冰島最大湖岸,...漫遊在佈滿草叢的熔岩流上想像各黨派聚集此地召開露天國會,一年 一次為期兩星期,800 年間未曾間斷。 您也可到金圈體驗蒸汽噴口和噴出的泥漿池像沸騰的大鍋嘶嘶作響,這是蓋錫爾間歇 噴泉 (Geysir Geothermal Field) 景象。蓋錫爾間歇泉 (Great Geysir) 平靜了好些年, 但附近的 Strokkur 仍會噴發,每 10 分鐘會突然將水推噴至高空。而金圈裡最耀眼的自然奇景莫過於古佛斯瀑布 (Gullfoss)。上世紀初期,這個瀑布因一個水電工程而飽受威脅,後來有個農夫的女兒赤腳走到雷克雅維克威脅如果不停止該工程, 就要從瀑布跳下去。現今這位女士被視為是冰島的第一位環保鬥士,黃金大瀑布 (The Golden Falls) 因而受到永遠的保護。

Many of the country’s most popular sights are within easy reach of Reykjavík, often by public transport. Immerse yourself in the spirit of Iceland, at the Blue Lagoon. Here, and at hundreds of volcanic baths across the island, locals come to soak in the healing thermal waters, share gossip with neighbours, and even conduct business meetings. Not far from Reykjavík is an area known as The Golden Circle, which encompasses three of Iceland’s greatest natural wonders. Just 30 miles from the capital, is Thingvellir National Park, considered the country’s heart and soul. Here, you can actually walk between the tectonic plates of North America

and Europe, that have been drifting apart for millennia. Stand upon the shore of the country’s largest lake, ...wander the grass covered lava flows and imagine the clans who gathered here for Iceland’s open air parliament, for two weeks each year, for over 800 years.

Also in the Golden Circle, experience a boiling cauldron of hissing steam vents and belching mud pools, at the Geysir Geothermal Field. The Great Geysir itself has been quiet in recent years, but nearby, it’s little brother Strokkur, still puts on a show, thrusting water into the heavens every 10 minutes. If there’s one natural wonder in The Golden Circle that outshines them all, it’s Gullfoss. Early last century, the waterfall was threatened by a hydroelectric project, until a local farmer’s daughter walked barefoot to Reykjavik and threatened to throw herself from the falls unless the project was stopped. Today, that woman is regarded as Iceland’s first environmentalist, and The Golden Falls have been protected, forever.



對許多訪客而言,他們的冰島故事,到了雷克雅維克和金圈即止步不前,實在太可惜,因為越往下走探險之旅越刺激。冰島的主要環島公路環繞整座島,串連成綿延不絕的史詩般風景和傳奇故事。從雷克雅維克往東一個半時車程可到達全世界最美麗的塞里雅蘭瀑布 (Seljalandsfoss)。循著 200 呎純淨冰川背後的小徑,歷代以來無數探險家來到這裡莫不停下腳步,在這塊聖地的迷霧中享受呼吸。 沿著環島公路再開兩個小時進入 Jökulsárlón 冰川湖的靈氣之光。在歐洲最大冰河瓦 特納冰原 (Vatnajokull) 的舌尖處,冰山崩裂並經年漂浮、溶解到小到足以流出外海。 攝影師和電影人最愛的千年冰河湖 (Jökulsárlón) 是現代電影著名角色如詹姆士龐德、蝙蝠俠和 Lara Croft 的拍攝場景。從東岸未開化的迎風海岸到北部的火山奇景, 冰島的環島公路不斷有令人驚喜的美景出現,全部由與世隔絕的絕美之境串連一起站 在北塞爾福斯 (Selfoss) 的馬蹄瀑布前。然後往下游走,在歐洲最大瀑布 Dettifoss 感受靴子底下的隆隆聲,它的水氣在半哩遠外就能看到。

For many visitors, their Icelandic story continues no further than Reykjavik and The Golden Circle, which is a shame, because the further you roam, the greater the adventure. Iceland’s main ring road circles the entire island, stringing together an endless series of epic landscapes and tales. An hour and a half’s drive east from Reykjavik is one of the world’s most beautiful waterfalls, Seljalandsfoss. Follow the trail behind a 200 foot veil of pure glacial water, where throughout the ages, adventurers have come to pause, and breathe in the mists of this sacred place. Follow the ring road for another two hours, into the ethereal light of Jökulsárlón Lake. Here, at the tongue of Vatnajokull, Europe’s largest glacier, icebergs break away and float for years, melting down until they are small enough to tumble out to sea. A magnet for photographers and filmmakers, Jökulsárlón has been the setting for modern day legends, like James Bond, Batman, and Lara Croft. From the wild,

windswept shores of the East Coast to the volcanic wonders of the north, Iceland’s ring road offers one jewel after another, all strung together with mile upon mile of absolute solitude. Stand before the northern horseshoe falls of Selfoss. Then just downstream, feel the earth rumble beneath your boots at Europe’s mightiest waterfall, Dettifoss, who’s plume can be seen over half a mile away.



在冰島, 每條岔路,每一條路都是一個待展開的故事。 從廣闊的內部到⻄峽灣區 (West Fjords),每個未被開發的海灘和迎風平原都是尚待撰寫的空白書頁。快來編織您自己的冰島歷險記吧, 保證會留下讓您傳述一輩子的珍貴回憶。

In Iceland, every side road, every path is a story waiting to unfold. From the vast interior, to the West Fjords, each untouched beach and windswept plain is an unwritten page. So come, and live your own Icelandic story, it’s one you’ll keep telling for the rest of your days.



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