在溫哥華,退休不是告別,而是新生活的啟程 🇨🇦

溫哥華位於加拿大英屬哥倫比亞省,地處太平洋沿岸,擁有宜人氣候和壯麗自然景觀。人口眾多,其中大溫哥華地區更是西加拿大最大的都會區之一。這座城市以其多元文化和現代都市氛圍聞名,吸引眾多遊客。溫哥華的經濟發達,涵蓋高科技、影視、旅遊和房地產等領域。其獨特的建築風格融合了現代與歷史元素,而史丹利公園、煤氣鎮、格蘭維爾島和加拿大廣場等地點展現了城市的迷人之處。另外,卡皮拉諾吊橋公園和史丹利公園等自然景點也吸引了許多遊客。 MOCO AIRLINES邀您一起探索世界的壯闊,體驗溫哥華的獨特魅力和多彩風情。

在溫哥華,退休不是告別,而是新生活的啟程 🇨🇦



Vancouver is situated on the lowland plain of the British Columbia province in Canada, along the Pacific coastline, approximately 4,200 kilometers away from Toronto. The city is nestled against the beautiful Georgia Strait, with just a 100-kilometer distance from the provincial capital, Victoria. To the north lies Prince George, while eastward leads to Edmonton in Alberta, and southward connects to Seattle.




According to the 2021 census data, the population of Vancouver city is around 662,000, and the entire Greater Vancouver area boasts a population of about 2.64 million, making it one of the largest metropolitan areas in British Columbia and the western part of Canada, ranking third nationwide. Known for its captivating natural landscapes, diverse culture, and modern urban atmosphere, Vancouver attracts residents and tourists from around the world.



The climate in Vancouver is relatively mild, featuring distinct seasons with cool summers and chilly yet moderate winters. This pleasant climate injects vitality into the city and offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities for both residents and visitors. Vancouver's multiculturalism is a significant characteristic, with residents from various cultural backgrounds contributing to a rich tapestry of culinary, artistic, and festival cultures.



Economically, Vancouver is a major economic hub in Canada, with thriving industries in high technology, film and television, tourism, and real estate. Additionally, serving as one of Canada's primary trading ports, the city plays a crucial role in international trade.



The architecture of Vancouver is a unique blend of modern structures and well-preserved historic buildings. Prominent landmarks such as Stanley Park, Vancouver Art Gallery, Granville Island Market, and Canada Place showcase the city's distinctive charm. Blessed with a superior natural environment, Vancouver offers abundant outdoor activities, including skiing, hiking, cycling, and beach activities, providing residents and tourists alike the opportunity to enjoy the gifts of nature.



溫哥華科學世界(Science World)

Science World
Situated in Vancouver, Science World is a massive spherical science center with extensive exhibits, interactive experiments, and entertaining demonstrations. This educational venue, marked by its eye-catching exterior, serves as both a prominent tourist attraction and a popular family destination.




Gastown represents one of the earliest developed areas in Vancouver, characterized by Victorian-style buildings, some with over a century of history. The area's most famous feature is the world's first steam-powered clock, weighing two tons and over forty years old. Gastown's streets are lined with souvenir shops, restaurants, and bars, making it a picturesque and enjoyable spot to explore.



格蘭維爾島(Granville Island)

Granville Island
Located on the edge of downtown Vancouver, Granville Island was initially an industrial peninsula with remnants of abandoned railroads. Through redevelopment, it has transformed into a peninsula filled with artistic vibes, featuring galleries, a public market, hotels, theaters, and other leisure venues. Granville Island has become not only a popular tourist destination but also a favored recreational spot for locals.



加拿大廣場(Canada Place)

Canada Place
Canada Place is situated in the heart of downtown Vancouver, surrounded by the Vancouver World Trade Centre, the Pan Pacific Hotel, and the world's first IMAX 3D cinema. Recognizable from a distance by its iconic five sails atop the building, resembling the Sydney Opera House, Canada Place is also a major cruise ship terminal, offering views of luxurious cruise ships departing for Alaska.



史丹利公園(Stanley Park)
史丹利公園是加拿大最大、北美第三大的市立公園,三面環湖且有約50萬顆樹木,整個公園充滿了大自然的氛圍~還有一條環繞整個公園的路徑,不論是來散步、騎腳踏車還是看夕陽都非常適合!若是在秋天前來,還可以看到樹上滿滿橘紅色的楓葉,拍起照來超級美~史丹利公園還有著非常知名的地標-圖騰柱(Totem pole),每一個繽紛色彩的圖騰柱都有著各自的名字,一旁也有解說牌解釋每一根代表的寓意唷!

Stanley Park
Stanley Park is Canada's largest urban park and the third-largest in North America, encircled by water and adorned with approximately 500,000 trees. The park emanates a natural ambiance, featuring a pathway that surrounds the entire park, ideal for walking, cycling, or enjoying a sunset. In autumn, visitors can witness the vibrant orange-red maple leaves on the trees, creating a stunning backdrop. Stanley Park is also home to the well-known Totem Poles, each with its own unique symbolism, providing insight into indigenous cultures.



卡皮拉諾吊橋公園(Capilano Suspension Bridge)

Capilano Suspension Bridge Park
Capilano Suspension Bridge Park is a renowned tourist attraction in Vancouver, featuring a suspension bridge spanning the Capilano River. The bridge is 140 meters long and 70 meters high, surrounded by lush forests, creating an enchanting experience akin to navigating a forest wonderland. The elevated view offers spectacular scenery, making it a must-visit for those without a fear of heights !


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