東京首都圈的新舊文化大融合 🇯🇵

東京作為日本的都會中心,擁有繁榮的城市景觀和多樣的生活方式。從熱鬧的新宿商圈到歷史悠久的川越市,每個地方都充滿著各種魅力。您可以探索東京的郊區,如三鷹和武藏野,欣賞博物館和公園,或者前往距離最近的離島八丈島,體驗南國風情。此外,您也可以在箱根享受溫泉之旅,或者漫步於上野公園欣賞櫻花盛開的美景。對於愛好者來說,原宿和銀座提供了最新的時尚和高級購物體驗。而在東京,您還可以品嚐到各種美味的日本清酒,讓您的旅程更加豐富多彩。 MOCO AIRLINES期待與您一起探索東京的壯闊,為您帶來難忘的旅程體驗。

東京首都圈的新舊文化大融合 🇯🇵





Tokyo is located in the Kanto region of Japan, consisting of 23 special wards, 26 cities, 5 towns, and 8 villages. As of the end of 2020, the total population is approximately 14 million. However, with Tokyo as its core, along with its surrounding satellite cities forming the "Greater Tokyo Area," the total population living in Tokyo exceeds 43 million, accounting for one-third of Japan's population.

Regarding the notion of the capital region, it's worth noting that many people assume Tokyo is the capital of Japan. However, "Japan does not have a true capital" per se. If one were to define it, Japan's capital is determined by the residence of the Emperor. Currently, the Emperor resides in Tokyo. Therefore, in today's context, it's not entirely wrong to say Tokyo is the capital of Japan, but it's also not entirely accurate.






Most people have either visited Tokyo numerous times or have a rough impression of this metropolis through the media. The skyline dominated by towering skyscrapers, crowded train carriages resembling sardine cans, orderly streets, and the clean-cut attire of salarymen are some of the first impressions we have of Tokyo. To truly understand the lifestyle here, it's essential to make use of public transportation, with the most prevalent options being the subway and buses.

Subway: The Tokyo subway system comprises 13 lines, over 220 stations, with a total length of 312.6 kilometers. It carries an average of 11 million passengers daily, making it the world's largest subway system in terms of passenger traffic. Currently, there are two operating companies: Tokyo Metro and Toei Subway.

Buses: There are numerous bus routes within the city, with dense stops, serving most train stations and important locations. The buses in the central areas are primarily green, known as "Toei buses," with a uniform fare of 200 yen for adults and 100 yen for children under 12. Different bus companies operate routes within the city, each with slightly different fares.




Tokyo experiences distinct seasons, offering different scenery throughout the year. For a family trip, it's recommended to visit in May or October, as the average temperatures during these months range from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius, allowing for comfortable outings without heavy winter clothing or the discomfort of sweating excessively. Below are selected highlights of Tokyo, allowing you to explore the nuances of this city to the fullest.


Tokyo Suburbs That Bring Out the Child in Everyone




Just a short distance from the center of Tokyo lies the areas of Mitaka and Musashino, offering a plethora of museums, installation art, and parks. You can explore the unique and thrilling "Mitaka Tenmei Reversing Residence," or book a visit to the "Ghibli Museum" in the Mitaka no Mori, along with leisurely strolls through beautiful parks like "Inokashira Park" and "Koganei Park."

Facing Inokashira Park is the official museum of Studio Ghibli, the animation studio founded by the animation masters Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata. Here, you can marvel at the life-sized robot from "Castle in the Sky" standing in the rooftop garden and explore special exhibitions that change annually. Designed personally by Hayao Miyazaki, the museum's architecture is a must-see attraction. After touring the museum, take a break at the cafe "Straw Hat," where you can enjoy home-cooked meals and even take away original beers inspired by "Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind." Be sure to book your visit in advance, as tickets sell out quickly, and check the ticket sales times beforehand.


Nearest Islands to Tokyo


Located 287 kilometers from Tokyo, Hachijojima is a natural classroom with two active volcanoes, Mount Higashi (also known as Mount Mihara, 701 meters) and Mount Nishi (also known as Hachijo-Fuji, 854 meters). The island boasts hot springs and accommodation facilities, offering residents of the Tokyo metropolitan area a taste of the tropics without the need for expensive and time-consuming trips to Okinawa or Hawaii. Among the inhabited islands of the Izu Archipelago, the highest peak is Mount Hachijo-Fuji on Hachijojima. The island features scenic hiking trails and popular surfing and diving spots. Its subtropical climate nurtures a variety of wildlife and unique flora. The rugged volcanic landscape overlooking the azure sea, juxtaposed with lush green meadows, creates a magnificent and awe-inspiring scenery.


Top Hot Spring Towns in Japan 



Hakone, located near Tokyo and Mount Fuji, is a highly popular tourist destination renowned for its hot springs. From the bustling hot spring town of Hakone-Yumoto, you can take a bus to the stylish lakeside resort area of Lake Ashi, where fashionable hotels and restaurants abound. Notably, Hakone Shrine, situated on the shores of Lake Ashi, is well-known for its history spanning over 1,260 years. It is revered by many prominent figures, including Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543-1616), the founder of the Tokugawa shogunate. A tranquil 30-minute walk through the forest leads to the "Kuzuryu Shrine Main Shrine," another small shrine affiliated with Hakone Shrine.


Travel Back to the Edo Period



Just an hour's train ride from Tokyo lies Kawagoe City in Saitama Prefecture. Known as "Little Edo," Kawagoe has been a prosperous commercial city since the Edo period, making it beloved by many. It still preserves traditional streets and buildings that are over 100 years old, allowing visitors to fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the Edo period. When traveling from Ikebukuro to Kawagoe and within Kawagoe City, it's recommended to purchase convenient and cost-effective bus and train discount tickets. 




The city boasts numerous historical sites, shrines, temples, landmarks, and historic buildings, ranking third in the Kanto region in terms of cultural assets, following Kamakura City in Kanagawa Prefecture and Nikko City in Tochigi Prefecture. Designated as a "Historic City" by the national government (the only one in Saitama Prefecture), Kawagoe retains a significant amount of its historical character due to minimal damage from wars and earthquakes, attracting approximately 6.2 million tourists annually.

You might start your exploration by strolling along the main street, "Kawagoe Ichiban-gai Shopping Street," or experiencing the unique charm of popular tourist spots via a rickshaw tour. Here, you can purchase souvenirs, taste grilled rice balls and roasted green tea, and even try the immensely popular local beer, "COEDO Beer."


Strolling Through Parks Rich in Historical and Cultural Significance



Ueno Park is the largest park in Tokyo, covering an area of 525,000 square meters. Originally, it served as the family temple of the Tokugawa shogunate and the residences of some feudal lords before being transformed into a park in 1873. The park houses numerous museums, including the Tokyo National Museum, the National Museum of Nature and Science, the National Museum of Western Art, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum. Ueno Park is renowned as Tokyo's most famous cherry blossom viewing spot, boasting a multitude of cherry trees numbering up to 1,200. On weekends, the park is thronged with visitors who come to admire the cherry blossoms.


Vibrant Commercial Districts Day and Night 


新宿區是東京乃至於整個日本最著名的繁華商業區,位於東京市區內中央偏西的地帶,區內的新宿車站是東京市區西側最重要的交通要衝之一。 新宿以東京都政府大樓──“都廳為中心,分為高樓大廈林立的事務所一條街──西口區,以購物、娛樂綜合設施為中心的新宿新窗口──南口區,和被譽為不夜城的歌舞伎町為中心的日本少有的娛樂區。

Shinjuku is Tokyo's, and indeed Japan's, most renowned bustling commercial area, situated in the central-western part of the Tokyo metropolitan area. The Shinjuku Station within the district is one of the most vital transportation hubs on the western side of Tokyo. Shinjuku is centered around the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, known as the "Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly Hall," and is divided into several areas: the West Exit Zone, characterized by towering office buildings; the South Exit Zone, focused on shopping and entertainment complexes; and Kabukicho, acclaimed as one of Japan's rare entertainment districts, often referred to as the "city that never sleeps."


Landmarks Rich in Romantic Legends 




The Tokyo Tower, officially known as the Japan Radio Tower, is primarily used for transmitting various broadcast signals such as television and radio. It also serves as a beacon during major earthquakes, transmitting signals to stop JR trains. Additionally, it features functions for measuring wind direction, wind speed, and temperature. At 249.9 meters, there is a special observation deck offering panoramic views of Tokyo, and on clear days, Mount Fuji can be seen in the distance. Located in the Shiba Park area of Tokyo Harbor, this red-and-white tower, modeled after the Eiffel Tower in Paris, stands at a height of 333 meters, 13 meters taller than its Parisian counterpart. It is also a famous filming location for Japanese television dramas and movies, making it a must-visit destination for fans looking to experience a touch of romance.


A City Playground That's Hard to Resist



Harajuku, centered around the Omotesando street leading to the Meiji Shrine, is a vibrant hub popular among Tokyo's young crowd. As a birthplace of fashion trends, Harajuku and Shibuya offer endless enjoyment just by observing the stylish attire of passersby. Shibuya 109 is a towering fashion complex catering primarily to high school girls, highly acclaimed by fashion-savvy Japanese youths and international celebrities alike, making it the birthplace of the latest fashion trends.


Elegant Ladies' Daily Wardrobe 



Ginza, known as "Ginza" in Japanese, is a major commercial district in central Tokyo, renowned for its upscale shopping establishments. It is Japan's representative and one of the largest and most bustling streets globally, often compared to Paris's Champs-Élysées and New York's Fifth Avenue. Here, you'll find a plethora of shops, ranging from historic Japanese establishments with over a century of legacy to specialty stores selling luxury goods from around the world. It's the ultimate shopping destination where you can find everything from everyday items to luxury goods.


It's hard not to take an extra glance at the cultural treasures.



Throughout history, Japan has been meticulous in preserving its cultural heritage, and one of the most well-known aspects is its kimono culture. When traveling to Japan, wearing a kimono is definitely on the must-do list! For girls, putting on a kimono is like activating the "sweetness mode" instantly – the wearer feels delighted, and onlookers can't help but be thrilled! Tokyo, being Japan's hottest tourist destination, offers many opportunities to see visitors from around the world dressed in carefully chosen kimonos, taking picturesque photos. However, strictly speaking, the attire commonly worn by tourists tends to be yukata-style kimono, while local girls typically wear traditional kimono for their coming-of-age ceremonies. As for the differences between traditional kimono and yukata, let's delve into that a bit.





The kimono (わふく) is a traditional Japanese national costume. In Japan, people wear kimonos to attend events such as coming-of-age ceremonies, weddings, funerals, festivals, martial arts events like kendo, traditional tea ceremonies, ikebana (flower arranging), banquets, classical music performances, literary and artistic events, and traditional holiday celebrations.

As for the yukata (ゆかた), it's actually a type of kimono, but it's lighter and more casual. Yukatas are commonly seen at various summer festivals, events, and fireworks displays throughout Japan during the summer season. Traditional yukatas are mostly made of cotton dyed in blue, but nowadays, there's a wide range of color choices available, and the patterns on yukatas typically depict summer themes, including flora and fauna. Generally, younger people tend to choose vibrant and elaborately patterned yukatas, while older individuals prefer darker colors and simpler designs.


All-You-Can-Drink Sake Experience 


清酒,又被稱為日本酒(にほんしゅ/nihonsyu),酒精濃度大約在15%左右,可以說是日本十分具代表性的酒之一。其中又因為精米度(指磨掉米的比例不同),由比例低至高可被分為:純米酒(精米度70%以上)、本釀造酒(精米度70%以下)和吟釀酒( 精米度60%以下)三類。隨著酒米被磨掉的比例越多,酒的口感就會更加清澈與滑順,當然價格也隨之提升。


Sake, also known as Nihonshu (にほんしゅ/nihonsyu) in Japanese, has an alcohol content of approximately 15%, making it one of Japan's most representative alcoholic beverages. It is categorized based on the degree of rice polishing, ranging from low to high: Junmai (rice polishing ratio of 70% or more), Honjozo (rice polishing ratio of less than 70%), and Ginjo (rice polishing ratio of less than 60%). As more rice is polished away, the sake becomes clearer and smoother, but of course, the price also increases.

In Tokyo, there are several sake bars offering a hundred varieties of sake for unlimited tasting, making it a must-visit for sake enthusiasts like yourself. When drinking sake, it's customary to use traditional sake bottles for serving and small cylindrical cups called "ochoko" for drinking. The design of the sake bottle not only facilitates pouring but also helps maintain the temperature of the sake. Using small cups allows one to enjoy the sake in a single sip, preserving its flavor without being affected by temperature changes. Whether served hot or over ice, sake is equally delightful.


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