台灣與美國最近的距離_關島 🇺🇸

關島是太平洋西部一個美麗的島嶼,擁有豐富的歷史和文化。其熱帶海洋性氣候使得一年四季氣溫溫暖,最適合於12月至次年4月旅遊,享受海灘活動。島上的消費水準相對較高,主要依賴旅遊業和軍事基地。關島的景點眾多,包括杜夢灣、Pagat Caves和戀人岬等。探索關島的豐富歷史和自然風光,是一段難忘的旅程。摩客航空期待與您一同探索世界的壯闊,讓您的旅行更加精彩!

台灣與美國最近的距離_關島 🇺🇸


Guam is a beautiful island in the western Pacific with a long history and rich culture. Guam has a tropical marine climate with warm and humid weather throughout the year, with average temperatures ranging from 25°C to 30°C. The peak tourist season is from December to April, when the weather is dry and windy, making it perfect for sunbathing, swimming, snorkeling, and other water activities. From May to November, there is a rainy season with frequent rainfall and less wind, but many tourists still choose to visit Guam during this time.


關島的人民生活型態與消費水準相對於其他美國領土或國家來說較高,因為該地的經濟依賴於旅遊業和軍事基地,因此相對較昂貴。消費水平以美國為主,包括餐飲、住宿、交通和娛樂等方面,價格相對較高。關島的人口約18萬人,其中約三分之二是外來勞工,主要來自菲律賓、中國、韓國和日本等地,也有許多美國軍人和家屬。關島的居民以英語為主要語言,但也會使用當地的母語 Chamorro

The standard of living in Guam is relatively high compared to other US territories or countries, as its economy relies heavily on tourism and military bases. Prices for dining, accommodation, transportation, and entertainment are relatively expensive, similar to those in the United States. Guam has a population of approximately 180,000 people, two-thirds of whom are foreign workers mainly from the Philippines, China, South Korea, and Japan, as well as many US military personnel and their families. English is the main language spoken in Guam, but Chamorro, the local indigenous language, is also used.

關島是太平洋上一個美麗的島嶼,位於菲律賓和夏威夷之間,是美國的一個自治領土。關島和台灣的距離約為 2,500 公里至 3,000 公里不等,從台灣飛往過去的飛行時間約為 3.5小時。以下是幾個關島著名的旅遊景點介紹:

Guam is a beautiful island located in the Pacific Ocean between the Philippines and Hawaii, and is a U.S. territory. The distance between Guam and Taiwan is about 2,500 to 3,000 kilometers, and the flight time from Taiwan to Guam is approximately 3.5 hours.  Here are some of Guam's famous tourist attractions:


Tumon Bay is one of Guam's most famous bays and the center of the tourism industry. Tumon Bay has beautiful beaches, crystal-clear waters, and a variety of water activities such as snorkeling, sea kayaking, paddleboarding, sailing, and more. In addition, there are various restaurants, hotels, and shopping centers around Tumon Bay, making it a complete tourist area.

Pagat Caves 是一個受歡迎的自然景點,位於關島東岸的一個海灘附近。這裡是一個由石灰石洞穴和岩石形成的複雜迷宮,提供了一個探索和冒險的好機會。遊客可以在這裡參加導遊帶領的探險活動,穿過岩石走廊,穿過幽暗的洞穴,並欣賞洞穴中形成的壯觀的石柱和石筍。在洞穴的深處,遊客可以找到一些小水池和瀑布,是一個放鬆和享受自然美景的好地方。除了探險活動,Pagat Caves 還是一個受歡迎的野餐和露營地點。遊客可以在海灘上野餐,欣賞美麗的海景,或在露營區安排一個夜晚的露營體驗。需要注意的是,由於洞穴的狹窄和岩石的不穩定,遊客在進行探險活動時必須小心謹慎。此外,為了保護這個自然景點的生態環境,遊客需要遵守相應的保護規定,不得隨意破壞或污染洞穴和周邊地區。

Pagat Caves is a popular natural attraction located near a beach on the east coast of Guam. It is a complex maze formed by limestone caves and rocks, offering a great opportunity for exploration and adventure.

Visitors can participate in guided exploration activities, walking through rocky corridors, dark caves, and admiring the spectacular stalactites and stalagmites formed within the caves. In the depths of the caves, visitors can also find small pools and waterfalls, providing a relaxing and beautiful natural setting.

In addition to exploration activities, Pagat Caves is also a popular picnic and camping site. Visitors can have a beach picnic and enjoy the beautiful ocean views, or arrange a camping experience for a night at the campsite.

However, due to the narrowness of the caves and the instability of the rocks, visitors must be careful and cautious during exploration activities. Additionally, in order to protect the ecological environment of this natural attraction, visitors are required to follow relevant conservation regulations and refrain from damaging or polluting the caves and surrounding areas.


關島的 Piti 是一個位於關島西岸的小鎮,距離關島首府哈薩努約 9 公里,是一個充滿歷史和文化的地方。Piti 以其美麗的海灣而聞名,這裡的海灣是潛水和浮潛的理想場所。在這裡,遊客可以看到壯麗的珊瑚礁和海底生物,包括彩色的熱帶魚和海龜等等。Piti 的海灣還是一個受歡迎的釣魚點,許多當地居民和遊客會在這裡嘗試自己的運氣。

Piti is known for its beautiful bay, which is an ideal location for diving and snorkeling. Visitors can see magnificent coral reefs and underwater creatures, including colorful tropical fish and turtles. The bay of Piti is also a popular fishing spot, where locals and tourists try their luck.


Two Lovers Point - This is one of the most famous attractions in Guam, located at the northern end of Tumon Beach. The name comes from a legend of two lovers who met here. You can climb to the top of the mountain and overlook the entire bay, or take a stroll in the nearby park.






The history of Guam can be traced back to 2000 BC when the Chamorro people lived on the island. In the following centuries, Guam became a colony of Spain and other European countries.

Guam was an important outpost during the Spanish colonial period. The Spanish first landed on Guam in 1668 and officially declared it a Spanish territory in 1669. Over the next few centuries, the Spanish built many churches, castles, and villages on Guam, developing it into an important base and trading center.

The impact of the Spanish colonial period on Guam was profound, reflected not only in culture and architecture, but also in the lifestyle and social structure of the local people. Additionally, during this period, Guam became a trading hub for Spain and other European countries, and a gathering place for explorers and missionaries.

Although Spain lost control of Guam during the Spanish-American War in 1898, the island's Spanish history remains an important part of its culture and history, leaving behind a rich and colorful cultural and historical heritage.


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關島的時間比臺灣快 2 小時。

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