地質生態多樣化的_夏威夷 🇺🇸

夏威夷島以其壯麗的火山景觀、多樣的自然景色和豐富的文化遺產而聞名。從活火山的噴發到美麗的黑岩漿海灘,從古老的波里尼西亞文化到現代的水上活動,大島提供了令人難忘的探險之旅。探索海灣、海龜和文化古蹟,品嚐特色啤酒和當地美食,還可以欣賞壯觀的火山景觀和茂密的森林。無論您是追尋刺激的冒險者還是尋找寧靜的度假勝地,夏威夷島都能滿足您的期待。 MOCO AIRLINES 期待與您一起啟程,探索這片美麗而神秘的大地!

地質生態多樣化的_夏威夷 🇺🇸


夏威夷島位於北太平洋上,也稱作大島,是夏威夷群島中最大也最年輕的 島嶼,它不斷成長的陸地橫跨了多個氣候區。大島上有許多火山,還有副 熱帶海岸,多種自然景色在此碰撞出璀璨的火花。在這裏可以享受湛藍的 海水和溫暖的海風、觀賞火紅的岩漿湧流、深入茂密的蒼鬱叢林探險。在 這座遙遠的美屬島嶼上,夏威夷島⺠獨特的波里尼⻄亞文化,和他們與大 自然的關係永遠密不可分。相傳這裡是裴蕾女神的領土,火、火山和熱情 都由她掌管。

In the North Pacific Ocean lies the Island of Hawai'i, also known as the Big Island. This is the largest, and youngest, of the Hawaiian islands and its still-growing landmass has a range of climate zones. On this volcano-rich island, with subtropical coastline, nature's elements collide spectacularly.

Enjoy the warm, blue water and the ocean breezes, see the red-hot lava flow and delve into a lush green jungle. On this remote American island, the unique Polynesian culture of the Hawaiians, and their special connection to nature, is ever present. This is the domain of Pele, the mythical goddess of fire, volcanoes and passion. Set out exploring to see the island's natural wonders.



趕快出發探索島上的自然奇景吧!花個幾天,開車逛逛大島。但別忘了, 這裡是夏威夷,放慢腳步,遇上道路封閉就等一下吧。大島⻄側有許多渡 假村和黑岩漿海灘,還有豐富的歷史氣息和水上運動。在Kaloko- Honokohau國家歷史公園,太平洋中的綠海龜會爬上岸來見客。如果要 在海裡看綠海龜,則可潛下卡哈魯烏灣。這座海濱公園位於凱魯瓦科納, 是島上主要的渡假村聚集地。在這裡可以放鬆地享受陽光,嘗試玩玩直立 式划槳衝浪。玩累了休息一下,品味科納獨特的啤酒,或給孩子買碗剉 冰,嚐嚐夏威夷的特產。在茂納凱亞海灘休息幾天,欣賞夏威夷最高峰茂 納凱亞火山的美麗風光。空出一天到附近的庫克船長村走走。

Take a few days to drive around the Big Island...Remember, nobody is in a hurry here, so take your time and expect some unusual road closures! The resort-rich westside of the Big Island offers black lava beaches, history and watersports. Pacific green sea turtles crawl ashore in Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park. To greet the "Honu" underwater, dive in the sheltered Kahalu'u bay. This beach park is part of Kailua-Kona, the island's main resort hub. It is a relaxing place to enjoy the sunshine and try stand-up paddle boarding. When you are ready for a break, taste one of Kona's exclusive brews or treat the

children to shave ice, another Hawaiian specialty. Relax a few days on Mauna Kea Beach, with Hawaii's highest point, the summit of the Mauna Kea volcano, in the backdrop. Set aside a day for nearby Captain Cook village.



1779 年,知名的英國探險家庫克就在基亞拉凱庫亞灣這裡遇害。當初為 了紀念他而建的老碼頭,現在則是曬日光浴和觀賞人潮的好去處。這座彩 繪教堂也很值得一遊,參觀後可再前往南邊的Pu'uhonua o Honaunau國 家歷史公園,「Pu'uhonua」是指古時候的避難所。這裡有原始的獨木 舟、小屋和棋盤遊戲,您可以在埋葬夏威夷酋長的聖廟旁走走,欣賞守護 聖廟的木頭神像。撥點空留給大島內陸地區,探索夏威夷火山國家公園。

In 1779, the famous English explorer was killed right here in Kealakekua Bay. These days the the old jetty built in his honor is used for sunbathing and people watching. It is worth stopping by at this painted church when driving south to Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park. Pu'uhonua was a place of refuge in ancient times. See primitive canoes, huts and board games and walk around the sacred burial temple for Hawaiian chiefs, guarded by carved Kii gods. Spend some time in the Big Island's interior and explore the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.



基拉韋厄火山熱氣蒸騰的火山口吸引來自世界各地的遊客。這座年輕的活 火山,30 多年來持續噴發。遊客甚至可以搭船觀賞岩漿湧入大海的景 象。數千年前,勇敢的波里尼⻄亞水手第一次踏上大島,並沒有被夏威夷 的火山威力嚇退。火成岩的土壤肥沃,適合開墾耕種,於是在大島迎風的 海岸上,大自然和人類一起成長茁壯。熱帶氣候的希洛是美國最潮濕的城 市之一,但這個東岸城市有許多室內景點,即使下起大雨也能玩得開心。 大島最北邊是波羅陸山谷,俯瞰夏威夷北邊一整片茂密的森林保留區。

The steaming craters of the Klauea volcano in visitors from all over the world. This relatively young volcano has been steadily erupting for over 30 years now. You can even join a cruise to see the lava pour into the ocean. Hawai'i's mighty volcanoes did not scare off the brave Polynesian seafarers

some thousand years ago when they first set foot on the Big Island. After all, fertile molten soil is perfect for new beginnings and on the Big Island's windward coast nature AND people flourish. Tropical Hilo is one of the wettest city in the US, but the many indoor attractions on this part of the east coast will keep you entertained when the heavens open. On the island's northern tip, in the PololValley, overlook the sprawling forest reserves of Hawai'i''s lush northern region.


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