東歐規模最大中世紀老城_立陶宛 🇱🇹

立陶宛位於波羅的海地區,擁有壯麗的自然景觀和豐富的歷史文化。首都維爾紐斯以其中世紀遺產和現代建築著稱,老城區擁有迷人的景點,如維爾紐斯大教堂和黎明之門。考納斯市則以其特色酒吧和古老城區吸引遊客。而位於希奧利艾市附近的十字架山則是一個獨特的景點,裝飾著數千個十字架,令人難忘。南部的Druskininkai溫泉小鎮以其豐富的礦物質水療聞名,同時也享有如畫般美麗的湖泊和森林。無論您是尋找歷史文化還是自然療癒,立陶宛都值得一遊。 MOCO AIRLINES期待與您一同探索這個充滿魅力的國家,體驗世界的壯闊。

東歐規模最大中世紀老城_立陶宛 🇱🇹


Lietuva, the Republic of Lithuania, located in northeastern Europe, is the Baltic States along with Estonia and Latvia. The area of 65,000 square kilometers and is dominated by plain terrain, composed of forests, rivers and thousands of lakes. Traveling to this pearl of the Baltic region will surprise you with historical and cultural marvels. Lithuania besides its rich history is packed with spectacular landscapes and extraordinary scenery. 

立陶宛 Lietuva



Vilnius once called by Napaleon the Jerusalem of the North Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania, and its largest city, It is a modern and sophisticated city where medieval patrimony and the modern architecture is standing side by side. With lots of attractive and stunning places to visit Vilnius Old town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and features architecture styles from different times. Hundreds of elegant Gothic renaissance and Baroque buildings stand beside stylish restaurants and cozy cafés.





In the heart of Old Town, you will find the old campus Vilnius University which is one of the oldest universities In Northern Europe. While wondering the streets of Old Town, make sure you visit Vilnius Cathedral. The Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania the Presidential Palace and the famous Gate of Dawn. If you want an outstanding example of Gothic architecture, don’t miss St. Anne’s Church, and if you want a Baroque architecture masterpiece, head to Church of St. Peter and St. Paul. Probably the most spectacular panorama views of Vilnius Is at the top of Gediminas’ Hill. There you will not only find a complete view of beautiful houses and small streets, but you will also get the see Gediminas’ Tower. 


考納斯市(Kaunas city )特色酒吧
考納斯市(Kaunas city )特色酒吧


考納斯市(Kaunas city )橫跨內穆納斯河和涅里斯河的交匯處,是立陶宛的第二大城市。白天,在林蔭大道之間的城市中,您可以探索充滿特色酒吧和地下酒館的紅街區考納斯城堡,在舊城區的鵝卵石街道蜿蜒穿梭其中。 在當地餐廳,您可以嘗試民族菜餚,例如帶有各種餡料的 cepelinai 土豆餃子或 saltibarciai。同時不要忘了嘗試來自小型啤酒廠所釀造的古怪啤酒。

Kaunas city extending over the conjunctions of the Nemunas and Neris rivers is the second largest city of Lithuania. In the city in between boulevards filled with several specialty bars and underground drinkeries during the daytime, you may search out the red-block Kaunas Castle, and meander through the cobblestone streets of the Old Town. In local restaurants try national dishes like cepelinai potato dumplings with various fillings or saltibarciai. Do not forget to try a lot of amazing and Quirky beers from small breweries.


十字架山 The Hill of Crosses


十字架山位在希奧利艾市附近,這個不尋常的地方,裝飾著數千個十字架。 這些十字架是為在俄羅斯帝國時代死去的人們所豎立的。 不管你是不是一個有宗教信仰的人,這是一個你詭異且陰森更值得參觀的景點。

The Hill of Crosses near the city of Siauliai, this unusual site is decorated with thousands of crosses. These crosses were erected on the hill for the people that died during the times of the Russian Empire. It does not matter if you are a person of religious beliefs, it is an astounding and utterly wonderful sight you cannot miss.




立陶宛南部有一個名為 Druskininkai 的溫泉小鎮。 “druska”一詞在立陶宛語中是指鹽的意思,它與這座小鎮鎮齊名,因為這裡的鹹水富含豐富的礦物質兼具療效。 當你到達 Druskininkai 時,可以體驗不同的水療護理,例如桑拿按摩、三溫暖! 除此之外,這座小鎮所擁有的湖泊、森林美景如畫一般,美得令人讚嘆。

Located in Southern Lithuania, you will find a spa town called Druskininkai. The word ‘druska’ refers to salt in Lithuanian, and it is part of the name of this town, due to the area’s salty waters full of rich minerals with healing properties. When you get to Druskininkai, prepare for different spa treatments such as saunas massages, hot tubs and more! The town is situated in a picturesque landscape with rivers lakes and forests.


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