阿聯酋長國中與世界接軌更企圖超越世界的城市_杜拜 🇦🇪

杜拜是阿拉伯聯合酋長國的最大城市,歷史悠久的漁村於18世紀建立,如今已發展成為以旅遊和酒店業為主的國際大都市。杜拜擁有世界第二多的五星級酒店和世界最高的哈里法塔。位於波斯灣沿岸的杜拜是西亞的商業樞紐,也是全球主要的客貨運輸中心之一。城市多元文化,人口中有95%來自世界各地的外籍人士。杜拜以其驚人的建築如哈里法塔和帆船飯店聞名,還擁有美麗的旅遊勝地,如朱美拉棕櫚島和杜拜相框。 MOCO AIRLINES誠摯邀您一起探索世界的壯闊,體驗杜拜的奢華與多元。

阿聯酋長國中與世界接軌更企圖超越世界的城市_杜拜 🇦🇪


杜拜是阿拉伯聯合酋長國人口最多的城市。 杜拜酋長國的首都始建於 18 世紀,是一個小漁村,在 21 世紀初迅速發展成為一個以旅遊和酒店業為重點的國際化大都市。 除此之外也是世界上最受歡迎的旅遊目的地之一, 擁有世界第二多五星級酒店和世界最高建築哈里法塔。

Dubai is the most populous city in the United Arab Emirates. And the capital of the emirate of Dubai established in the 18th century as a small fishing village, the city grew rapidly in the early 21st century into a cosmopolitan metropolis with a focus on tourism and hospitality. Dubai is one of the world's most popular tourist destinations, with the second most five-star hotels in the world and the tallest building in the world the Burj Khalifa.



杜拜位於波斯灣沿岸的阿拉伯半島東部,旨在成為西亞的商業中心,同時也是全球主要的客貨運輸樞紐。 石油收入幫助加速了這個已經是主要商業中心的城市發展。 20 世紀初以來,杜拜一直是區域和國際貿易中心,其中經濟依賴於貿易、旅遊、房地產和金融服務的收入,而石油生產對阿聯酋國內生產總值的貢獻不到 1%,杜拜人口估計約為 340

Located in the eastern part of the Arabian peninsula on the coast of the Persian gulf, Dubai aims to be the business hub of western Asia, it is also a major global transport hub for passengers and cargo. Oil revenue helped accelerate the development of the city which was already a major mercantile hub. A center for regional and international trade since the early 20th century, Dubai's economy relies on revenues from trade tourism real estate and financial services, oil production contributed to less than one percent of the emirates GDP, the population of Dubai is estimated at around 3.4 million.



杜拜市是一個多元文化的社會,只有 5% 是本地退休人員,其餘的則為自世界各地的外籍人士。 外籍人口主要包括亞洲人,特別是印度人和來自各個阿拉伯鄰國的其他國籍。 此外,由於主要在旅遊業的工人需求量很大,你會發現許多來自菲律賓、中國、印度尼西亞和馬來西亞的人已移居而成為該市的居民。

The city of Dubai is a multicultural society with only five percent of local emeritus, the rest are expatriates from all over the world. The expatriate population comprises of mostly Asians, particularly Indians and other nationalities from various neighboring Arabic countries. Furthermore, because of the high demand of workers primarily in the tourism sector, you'll find many people from the Philippines China Indonesia and Malaysia, who have become residents in the city.




When it comes to Dubai constructions, the sky is the limit in the literal sense of the word, a visit to the tallest building in the world, the 828 meters high Burj Khalifa is a must do for every tourist who wants to experience the amazing panoramic view of the Dubai city skyline from the observation deck, part of the new development called downtown Dubai, the tower is the address to the most elite hotels shopping centers residences and offices in the world.




杜拜因其世界第一而享譽全球,而朱美拉棕櫚島就是一個令人印象深刻的例子,從人造島的上方看,它就像一棵由開墾土地和一系列人工群島建造的風格化棕櫚樹。 朱美拉棕櫚島是杜拜最豪華的度假勝地的所在地,這裡擁有完善的公路隧道和公共交通設施,因此您可以輕鬆前往島上的各種酒店餐廳和景點。 您還可以跳上通往亞特蘭蒂斯的棕櫚單軌電車。

Dubai is globally recognized for its world firsts and palm Jumeirah is an impressive example, viewed from above the man-made island resembles a stylized Palm Tree which was built from reclaimed land mass and a series of artificial archipelagos. Palm Jumeirah is home to some of Dubai's most luxurious resorts, it is well developed with roads tunnels and public transport, so you can easily access the various hotels restaurants and attractions on the island. You can also hop aboard the palm monorail which runs to Atlantis that sits at the helm.



杜拜帆船飯店(Burj Al Arab)是杜拜最著名的建築和旅遊景點之一,它是世界上最具標誌性的酒店之一,是奢華的真正象徵。這座 321 米高的建築是讓杜拜走向世界的建築奇蹟地圖。 帆船形狀的全套房酒店多年來重新定義了何謂的奢華極致,杜拜帆船飯店 矗立在距離海灘 280 米的人工島上,透過橋樑與大陸相連。

Burj Al Arab is one of the most famous buildings and tourist attractions in Dubai, it is one of the most iconic hotels in the world and a real symbol of luxury, the 321 meters high building is an architectural marvel that has put Dubai on the world map. The all-suite hotel in the shape of a sail ship redefined all levels of luxury throughout the years, the Burj Al Arab stands on an artificial island 280 meters from the beach and is connected to the mainland by a private bridge.



杜拜相框是位於杜拜扎比爾公園的巨型相框,於 2018 1 月開放,並設有一些美麗的景象供遊客拍照。 杜拜框架從 150 米的高度提供了周圍城市的全景,該結構還具有連接兩座平行塔樓的透明玻璃橋外型,形成相框形狀。

The Dubai frame is a giant frame located in Zabiel park Dubai, it opened in january 2018 and features some beautiful backdrops for visitors to take photos with. The Dubai frame offers sweeping panoramic views of the surrounding city from a height of 150 meters, the structure also features a state of the or clear glass bridge that connects the two parallel towers to create a picture frame shape.



杜拜的文化植根於伊斯蘭教,但在過去的 50 年裡,移民已將酋長國變成了一個多元民族的大熔爐。 傳統阿拉伯文化的影響在其博物館節日中仍然很突出,衣著、慷慨和熱情好客是阿拉伯世界最受推崇的,儘管杜拜社會對所有文化開放,但遊客對於穆斯林傳統該有的尊重仍舊是很重要的。

The culture of Dubai is rooted in islam, but immigration has transformed the emirate into a melting pot of diverse nationalities over the past 50 years. The influence of traditional arab culture is still prominent in its museums festivals and attire,  although Dubai society is open to all cultures, it is important for tourists to respect muslim traditions.


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✈︎ 1 AED <=> 8.84 TW
✈︎ 1 AED <=> 2.13 HK
✈︎ 1 AED <=> 1.99 CNY
✈︎ 1 AED <=> 1.30 MYR
✈︎ 1 AED <=> 0.37 SGD 

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