世界的朋友「台灣」_台北篇 / Taiwan Befriend the World_Taipei 🇹🇼

台北,這座台灣北部的首都,融合了現代與傳統,向未來展望的同時尊重著古老的中國傳統。這座友好的城市充滿了街頭小吃的香氣,電單車和單車穿梭於街道之間,而自然景觀則近在咫尺。從行天宮祈福,到自由廣場紀念前總統,台北處處彰顯著其獨特魅力。搭乘便捷的大眾交通前往故宮博物院,欣賞中國藝術珍品,或是漫步於街頭市集,尋找驚喜。登上台北101,體驗火箭般的升降,眺望城市美景。台北還擁有象山和貓空等自然景點,讓人流連忘返。 MOCO AIRLINES 誠摯邀請您一同啟程,探索世界的壯闊。

世界的朋友「台灣」_台北篇 / Taiwan Befriend the World_Taipei 🇹🇼
Taiwan's capital, Taipei, is situated at the country's northern tip. The city sits in a basin between the Central and Yangming Mountains, and is surrounded by the larger, but quite distinct, New Taipei City. In recent decades, Taipei has busily transformed itself into one of the regions most livable cities and into one of Asia's premier travel destinations.
台北位於台灣的北部,也是台灣的首府。這座城市座落於北部中央和陽明山脈之間的盆地,四周均與較為廣闊、風格截然不同的新北市接壤。近幾十年來,台灣一直努力轉型 成為附近地區其中一個最適合居住的城市,並成為亞洲首選的旅遊目的地之一。
Today's Taipei has one foot striding towards a futuristic utopia and the other respectfully rooted in ancient Chinese traditions. It's easy to fall in love with this friendly city. The aroma of street food fills the air.
Scooters and bicycles rule the streets. And surrounded by nature, tranquility is never more than a bus ride or hike away. Start your day with a slice of classic Taipei.
Hsing Tian Kong Temple is the spiritual heart of Taipei. It's a place where generations of locals have come to seek good fortune, health, and even guidance on who to marry. 
行天宮 Hsing Tian Kong
Taiwan's political heart is the district of Zhongshan. Built from white marble and glass tiles to reflect the Formosan sky, the Liberty Square (CKS Memorial Hall) honors the memory of former president of the Republic of China.
Hop on Taipei's excellent Public transportation and head to the National Palace Museum, home to the world's greatest collections of Chinese art and antiquities. Once reserved for the private pleasure of emperors, today these treasures can be enjoyed by all.There are plenty of riches to be found on Taipei's streets too. Enjoy the blooms and haggle for jewelry at the flower and jade markets.
Hunt down bargains in giant department stores like Breeze,or cruise the smaller boutiques and restaurants in Yongkang Street.
Once you've explored Taipei's streets, rocket to the heavens aboard the high-speed elevators of Taipei 101, one of the world's tallest skyscrapers. While some have suggested that the design resembles a stack of noodle boxes, the tower is widely regarded as a stunning example of oriental revivalist architecture.
探索完台北街頭後,不妨乘坐火箭似的高速電梯登上世界上最高的摩天大樓之一—台北 101。雖然有些人認為,大樓設計好像由一盒盒麵條盒堆砌而成,不過有更多人認為這座大廈正正體現出東方復古主義的建築風格。
Taipei 101
There are plenty of natural vantage points around the city too. Just a fifteen-minute walk from Taipei 101 is Elephant Mountain, the most accessible of the cities peaks. There are no high-speed lifts here, but the 20 minute climb to the top is worth it, especially at sunset.
城市周圍也擁有大量自然景觀。象山距離台北 101 大樓只有 15 分鐘路程,是市內最容易到達的山峰。這裡並無高速電梯,不過這裡如詩如畫, 花 20 分鐘登上山頂是也是非常值得,特別是在日落時份。
For more great views, head to Maokong Mountain. The mountain's gondola service starts at the Taipei Zoo, the largest zoological collection in Asia. This zoo holds a special place in the hearts of locals, and the animals are treated like members of Taipei's extended family. From the zoo, step aboard a gondola and glide over the forest canopy to Maokong Mountain. With villages and temples to explore, Maokong makes a fabulous day trip.
As an important tea growing area, it's also the place to learn the finer points of tea tasting and appreciation. You'll have to walk to get to Taipei's highest peak,Mount Qixing which lies just to the north of the city in the Yangmingshan National Park. Climb the one thousand steps, up through the subtropical forestand into the grassy highlands that gave the area it's original name ~ Grass Mountain.
想觀賞更多優雅美景,不妨登上貓空山看看。登山纜車起點位於亞洲最大的動物園—台北市立動物園。這個動物園在當地人心中佔據了一個特別位置,他們將動物當作台北大家庭成員一樣看待。從動物園乘坐纜車,滑過森林便到達貓空山。貓空有不少村莊和寺廟等您來探索, 絕對讓您有個美妙的一日遊,盡情玩樂。
作為重要的茶葉種植區,這裡也是學習品茗細節和鑑賞茶葉的好地方。您必須步行才能登上台北最高的山峰—七星山,這座山位於台北市北部,座落於陽明山國家公園範圍內。爬上一千步,穿過亞熱帶森林,您便來到長滿青草的高地, 人們給這裡改了個最原始的名字:「草山」。
All that hiking and mountain air can build up an appetite. So when it's time to return to the city, head to the Night Market. At times it seems half the population is here, doing what Taipei locals do best, enjoying great food, hunting down bargains and simply enjoying their incredible city.
遠足和呼吸過山上的清新空氣之後,您應該肚餓了。所以不如返到市內,到夜市大吃一頓。有時會覺得台北的一半人口都是在這裡, 試試做些台北本地人愛做的事,品嚐美味的食物、享受議價樂趣,以及簡單享受這個絕妙的城市吧。

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