文化產物足以成為這個國家的象徵_京都 🇯🇵

京都,日本西部的珍寶,千年古都,擁有豐富的文化遺產。從現代化的京都車站出發,您將進入古老的京都街道,探索著名的祇園地區和傳統的茶屋。遊覽宏偉的寺廟,如清水寺和南禪寺,感受季節變化中的神聖氛圍。而在夜幕降臨時,京都如燈火璀璨的燈籠,散發著永恆的魅力。無論是歷史的回音還是現代的活力,京都皆值得細細品味。 MOCO AIRLINES將帶您飛往世界各地,探索更多壯闊之美,讓旅程充滿驚喜和奇遇。

文化產物足以成為這個國家的象徵_京都 🇯🇵


Kyoto lies in Western Honshu, the main island of Japan. This city, regarded as one of Japan’s most beautiful, wore the country’s imperial robes for over 1,000 years, until Tokyo became the modern capital in 1868. Emerging from ultra-modern Kyoto Station, you may wonder, “where are the centuries of culture and tradition this city is famous for?” And as you look down upon the gridded streets from Kyoto Tower, you might even be forgiven for thinking you’ve arrived at the wrong city.

Yet, the old Kyoto is all around you, and more often than not, it’s right under your nose. 



From Kyoto Tower, head east, and push through the curtains of the downtown’s high-rise, into the streets of Gion. It is here, in this historic entertainment quarter, that you’ll begin to catch glimpses of one of Kyoto’s most alluring traditions, the geisha. Refined, artistic and otherworldly, the geisha are the very embodiment of old Kyoto. Venture further east, into narrow alleyways like Ishibe Koji, and feel the echoes of the past amid the rows of traditional Kyoto-style houses. It’s in areas like this you’ll find some of Kyoto’s finest Ryokan. These traditional inns originated in the Edo period, and are the perfect places to lay your head and dream of days gone by.


搭乘人力車,片刻後便可來到車輛禁止通行的三年坂二年坂街道,探索傳統的茶屋和工藝品店,然後跟隨世世代代的朝拜者腳步,來到鄰近的山頂寺廟,京都是著名的「萬寺之都」;若要仔細探索所有寺廟,可能要花上一輩子的時間。京都的居民非常重視季節變化,如四季更迭一般,每個祭祀地點也都有自己的特色、自己的規矩。京都有許多氣氛莊嚴的大寺,像是平安神宮,主奉這座城市的首任和末代天皇。在青蓮院等,占地較小的寺廟中,您可以坐下,在外頭的花園中安靜沉思 ,然後造訪以石材為主要建材的寺廟,像是清水寺,它是日本最受崇敬的寺廟之一;或是其他以古木建成的寺廟,像是東福寺,它的廊橋穿梭過一座座楓樹和雲杉遍野的山谷,是極受歡迎的景點。

Just a rickshaw ride away, are the traffic-free streets of Sannen-zaka and Ninen-zaka. Explore the traditional teahouses and crafts shops, then retrace the steps of generations of worshipers who made their way to and from the nearby hilltop temples. Kyoto is known as “the city of 10,000 shrines”, and it would take a lifetime to experience them all. Kyoto residents’ place enormous importance in the seasons. And just like the seasons, every place of worship has its own colours, … its own mood. There are places of spacious austerity, such as the Heian Shrine, dedicated to the first, and the last, of the city’s emperors. And intimate places, such as the Shorenin Temple, where you are invited to sit, and quietly contemplate the gardens outside. Visit temples dominated by stone, such as the Kiyomizadera, one of the most revered in Japan.  And others crafted from ancient timbers, such as Tofukuji, loved for its covered bridges which span valleys filled with maple and spruce.




Water is an integral and unifying element in all of Kyoto’s places of worship. At the Kodai Temple, let your thoughts drift across a raked gravel garden which represents the infinite ocean. For a water feature with a difference, visit Nanzenji, and rest beneath the arches of a 19th- century aqueduct, which still supplies much of the city’s water. But of all Kyoto’s temples, nothing quite compares to Fushimi Inari-taisha. Dedicated to the fox spirit, Inari, this temple complex spans an entire mountainside. From the main shrine, climb an extraordinary two and a half mile path lined with 10,000 tori gates. Along the way there are thousands of smaller shrines where you can pay your respects or simply catch your breath, before arriving at the summit two hours later. 



It’s s not just within the streets and temples where you’ll find old Kyoto. You’ll find it the palace grounds of Nijo Castle, and in the fleeting cherry blossom season which reminds us of the preciousness of time. It resides amid the whispering leaves and the ethereal light of the Bamboo Forest of Arashiyama, and in the Zen-like calm of the city’s resident monkeys. You’ll find old Kyoto in the rising steam of a communal dishes like shabu shabu, in the gentle pad of the rickshaw pullers’ footsteps, and it can certainly be found as evening falls and the city lights up like a living lantern. Perhaps it’s then, beneath the glow of the city’s lights, you’ll realize that there is no old Kyoto. Kyoto is timeless, it exists equally in the echoes of the past and in the ringtones of today. As the world rushes by on the river of time, Kyoto is but a series of perfect moments, each to be savored and enjoyed. Kyoto is Kyoto, here, now and forever.


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