探索歐洲明珠的歷史古城,葡萄牙_里斯本 🇵🇹

作為葡萄牙共和國的首都,里斯本擁有悠久的歷史和豐富的文化遺產,其迷人的建築、古老的街道和悠久的歷史吸引著無數遊客。您可以漫步於阿茲勒赫瓷磚裝飾的街道,乘坐古老的電車感受懷舊之情,品嚐正宗的葡式蛋塔,並徜徉於瓦斯科·達伽馬大橋上欣賞壯麗的風景。在里斯本,每一個角落都充滿著驚喜和魅力,讓您的旅程成為一段難忘的探險之旅。 MOCO AIRLINES 誠摯邀請您一同探索葡萄牙迷人之處,開啟您的里斯本之旅!

探索歐洲明珠的歷史古城,葡萄牙_里斯本 🇵🇹




Lisbon, also known as "Lisboa" or "Pessoa," is the capital and largest city of the Portuguese Republic. It serves as the political center, governmental hub, and residence of the country's head of state. Covering an area of 100.05 square kilometers, the city has a population of 544,851 people as of 2021. Its metropolitan area includes satellite cities with a population of over 3 million, accounting for 27% of Portugal's total population. Additionally, Lisbon is a city located at the confluence of the Western Iberian Peninsula, where the Tagus River meets the Atlantic Ocean.



As one of the oldest cities in the world, Lisbon boasts a rich and ancient history, also ranking as the second oldest capital in Europe, only surpassed by Athens. In 2018, Lisbon Airport welcomed 29 million passengers, making it the busiest airport in Portugal, the third busiest in the Iberian Peninsula, and the twentieth busiest in Europe. Among Southern European cities in terms of visitor numbers, Lisbon stands at the ninth position, following Istanbul, Rome, Barcelona, Milan, Athens, Venice, Madrid, and Florence. In 2018, a total of 3,539,400 tourists visited Lisbon. The region's GDP per capita is higher than other areas in Portugal, with a Gross Domestic Product of $96.3 billion and an average per capita income of $32,434, ranking 40th globally in terms of total income.


里斯本市擁有豐富的歷史建築,從羅馬式、哥德式、曼紐哥德式、巴洛克式,一直到現代和後現代建築,幾乎處處可見。重要的街道如自由大道、光復廣場、龐巴爾侯爵廣場和共和國大道等,穿過城市的主幹道上也有歷史悠久的林蔭大道和紀念碑。此外,里斯本的歷史建築還包括發現者紀念碑,紀念著葡萄牙著名的航海家亨利王子 瓦斯科·達伽馬和斐迪南·麥哲倫。

Lisbon city boasts a wealth of historical architecture, spanning from Romanesque, Gothic, Manueline, and Baroque styles to modern and post-modern designs, visible almost everywhere. Important streets such as Avenida da Liberdade, Praça da Restauração, Praça do Comércio, and Avenida da República, along with the city's main thoroughfares, feature historic tree-lined avenues and monuments. Additionally, Lisbon's historical architecture includes the Monument to the Discoveries, commemorating Portugal's renowned navigators Prince Henry the Navigator and Ferdinand Magellan. 


Pastéis de Belém,位於繁華的貝倫區,是葡式蛋塔的創始店,也是一家經營逾百年的糕餅老店。這個地方不僅是里斯本最著名的美食之一,也是自由行旅客必訪的景點之一。葡式蛋塔的歷史可以追溯到19世紀,當時熱羅尼莫斯修道院的修女們在蛋黃過剩的情況下,聰明地將其做成了蛋塔,用以增加修道院的收入。據說蛋塔的食譜自1837年開始保密,至今仍然是個秘密。事實上,全世界只有六個人擁有這個珍貴的蛋塔製作食譜,這增添了蛋塔的神秘感。然而,蛋塔的秘密配方至今仍然是最高度保密的。

Pastéis de Belém, located in the bustling Belém district, is the original shop of Portuguese egg tarts and a pastry bakery that has been operating for over a century. This place is not only one of Lisbon's most famous culinary delights but also a must-visit spot for independent travelers. The history of Portuguese egg tarts can be traced back to the 19th century when the nuns of the Jerónimos Monastery cleverly turned surplus egg yolks into tarts to generate income for the monastery. It is said that the recipe for egg tarts has been kept secret since 1837 and remains a mystery to this day. In fact, only six individuals in the world possess this precious egg tart recipe, adding to the mystique of the delicacy. However, the secret formula for egg tarts is still highly confidential.



Lisbon is renowned for its azulejo tile art, a decorative ceramic style that embellishes buildings and showcases a unique artistic flair. This traditional craft holds significant importance in Lisbon, enhancing the city's beauty. The National Azulejo Museum showcases the evolution of this technique, spanning from ancient stories to contemporary designs. Azulejo tile art not only adorns architecture but also reflects the Portuguese passion for art. This tile culture seamlessly blends history, storytelling, and aesthetics, becoming an integral part of Lisbon's cultural identity.



The Vasco da Gama Bridge is a significant sea-crossing bridge in Lisbon, Portugal, named after the renowned navigator Vasco da Gama. Completed in 1998, this bridge spans the Tagus River, connecting the city center with the Parque das Nações district. With a total length of 17.2 kilometers, it boasts an impressive main span length, making it one of the longest cable-stayed bridges in Europe. This bridge not only provides convenient transportation but has also become a landmark in Lisbon, blending modern engineering with urban vistas. Whether during the day or at night, one can admire its magnificent scenery.



The trams of Lisbon are a major highlight of the city, serving not only as modes of transportation but also as cultural symbols. Particularly, the "Tram 28" is a popular way to explore Lisbon. These vintage trams, in addition to their transportation function, are living witnesses of history, exuding a nostalgic charm. Riding inside them, you can feel the rhythm of the city. These trams symbolize not only history and tradition but also play a role in the local culture, offering a unique experience for both visitors and residents. Inside these trams, you can effortlessly enjoy the city's scenery and gain insights into the local culture. All in all, Lisbon's trams are both a means of transport and a testament to the city's allure, bridging the past and the present, making them an integral part of the experience.



The "Elevador de Santa Justa" is a popular tourist attraction in Lisbon, constructed in the late 19th century, connecting the lower and upper parts of the city. Its unique history and design make it a remarkable engineering marvel. The appearance of this elevator is rich in Gothic and Portuguese decorative styles, featuring exquisite cast iron structures and arched windows that leave a lasting impression. Beyond its function as a means of transportation, it also offers an observation deck, allowing visitors to ascend via the elevator and gaze down upon the breathtaking urban beauty of Lisbon. This includes views of the Tagus River, the Atlantic Ocean, and the stunning architecture. 


台北市的時間比葡萄牙里斯本快 7 小時
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