擁有豐富多樣地貌的澳洲第一大城-雪梨 🇦🇺

雪梨,澳洲東岸之珠,自然美景令人驚嘆。新南威爾斯州首府,四百五十萬人口。海灘、岬角、太平洋盛景,無與倫比。透過雪梨塔俯瞰城市,360度的絕美全景盡收眼底。環形碼頭是交通樞紐,前往雪梨歌劇院、港灣大橋等地標輕鬆便捷。城市內外充滿歷史氣息與現代活力。 MOCO AIRLINESul 邀您一起探索雪梨壯闊之美,將帶您展開一場難忘之旅。

擁有豐富多樣地貌的澳洲第一大城-雪梨 🇦🇺

雪梨位於澳洲東岸,擁有世上眾多城市無法比擬的壯觀自然地景,它是新南威爾斯州的首府,擁有超過四百五十萬人口。兩塊外型奇特的海岬毅然而立,四周圍繞著波濤起伏的太平洋, 形成一座永恆的大門,守衛世界上數一數二的美麗港口。 得天獨厚的雪梨擁有超過 100 座沙灘,終年沐浴在燦爛的陽光下,四處充滿年輕活力,要論美好的生活品質,恐怕很難有城市可以超越雪梨。

Perched on the East Coast of Australia, few cities are as geographically spectacular as Sydney, the capital of the state of New South Wales, and home to over four and a half million people. Surrounded by the rolling Pacific Ocean, two dramatic headlands stand as a timeless gateway to one of the worlds most beautiful harbors. Blessed with over 100 beaches, bathed in year-round sunshine, and buzzing with a youthful vitality, when it comes to the good life, Sydney is hard to top.


港口是雪梨的心臟所在。這裡在 1788 年開始作為流放罪犯的殖民地,卻在一世紀後變為一個人間天堂。雪梨是從岩石區開始 這段艱辛且困難重重的開拓之路,但很快就拋開了罪犯的枷鎖,成長茁壯轉變為一個優雅的城市,四處可見維多利亞式建築和公共花園。 一船又一船的新移民蜂擁而來,到此尋找新的人生。這座城市不斷擴張, 向外延伸至帕丁頓等絕美的內陸市郊、玫瑰灣等港口腹地,以及沿海區一帶的海邊社群。

Sydney's heart is the harbor. What began as a penal colony in 1788, would within a century be transformed into paradise. From its rough andtumble beginnings in an area known as The Rocks, Sydney soon threw off its convict shackles and blossomed into a gracious city, filled with Victorian Architecture and public gardens. New arrivals came by the boatload in search of a new life. The city expanded, into gorgeous inner city suburbs like Paddington, harbor neighborhoods like Rose Bay, and into beachside communities up and down the coast.

對於第一次到訪的旅客,雪梨可能就像是座佈滿海灘、岬角、海灣和峽灣的迷宮。最快找到方向的方法,就是登上雪梨塔的塔頂。從高於 800 英呎的觀景台上眺望整座城市,飽覽 360 度的絕美全景。掌握這座城市的方位之後,您就可以前往環形碼頭,拜訪雪梨版的大中央車站。到了環形碼頭後,無論您想去任何地方,您都可以搭渡輪、水上計程車或火車前往。 在右手邊,這座看起來像是在微風中飛揚的白色船帆,就是雪梨歌劇院。您不必購買門票或穿著正式服裝, 就能探索這個絕妙的表演場地。無論從任何角度欣賞,從內到外、由上至下,雪梨歌劇院都是無懈可擊的建築奇觀。

For first-timers, Sydney can feel like a maze of beaches, headlands, bays and coves. The quickest way to find your bearings is to take the trip to the top of the Sydney Tower. From over 800 feet up, the observation deck offers 360 degree views of the entire city. Once you've come to grips with the layout of the city, head to Circular Quay, Sydney's version of Grand Central Station. From Circular Quay you can get just about anywhere by ferry, water taxi or train. Just to the right, like white sails billowing in the breeze is the Sydney Opera House. You don't need a ticket or tuxedo to explore this incredible performance venue. Whichever way you look, inside or outside, up or down, the Opera House is nothing less than an architectural miracle.


Just behind the Opera House, on the site of Sydney's first farm are the Royal Botanic Gardens and the Sydney Domain. Here you'll find Government House, the Art Gallery of New South Wales and some of the leafiest views in Sydney. To the left of Circular Quay stands the famous "Coat-hanger", the Sydney Harbour Bridge. One of Sydney's famous sons, Paul Hogan, the star Crocodile Dundee, was a painter on the bridge before he hit the big time. But you don't need to work on the bridge to enjoy the views from the top, simply strap on a safety harness and join a Bridge Climb Tour.

過橋來到月神公園,歡迎您的是雪梨最有名的一張笑臉。這裡的遊樂設施帶點復古感,不過這正是當地人喜歡的味道。這座名列文化遺產的遊樂園,自 1935 年起就讓所有澳洲家庭又怕又愛。從月神公園搭乘渡輪,不用多久就能來到達令港, 雪梨都更成功後的一個象徵。達令港曾經是老舊的鐵路調車場,現在已成為國家海洋博物館的所在地,並有許多熱門的公園、 酒吧和餐廳聚集在此。往前走幾個街區,就能來到動力博物館,探索蒸汽、太空和科學的奧秘。過了派爾蒙特橋後,便是雪梨海生館,在這裡您可實地體驗澳洲的各種海洋環境, 包括大堡礁和崎嶇的南海岸。

Just across the bridge at Luna Park, you'll find Sydney's most famous smile. The rides are a little on the vintage side, but the locals wouldn't have it any other way. This heritage-listed fun park has been thrilling Aussie families since 1935. Just a short ferry ride from Luna Park is Darling Harbour, one of Sydney's urban renewal triumphs. Once the site of rusting railway yards, Darling Harbour is now home to the National Maritime Museum, and popular parks, bars and restaurants. Only a few blocks away you'll find the Powerhouse Museum, a celebration of steam, space, and science. A short walk across the Pyrmont Bridge is the Sydney Sea Life Aquarium where you'll experience many of Australia's maritime environments, from the Great Barrier Reef, to the rugged South Coast. 

眾所皆知,澳洲這片土地上的生物會咬人、螫人,甚至會扯掉人整隻手臂。來到雪梨野生動物園,向世界上最可怕的一些生物打聲招呼,也看看澳洲最討人喜歡的小動物。但若想參觀動物園順便欣賞美景,那您得再跳上渡輪, 前往塔隆加動物園。搭乘纜車直達山頂,再沿著山路一路往下,沿途所見到的,絕對是您見過最快樂、最放鬆的動物。身處在這樣的美景,怎麼還會不快樂呢!想要清涼一下嗎?這就抓起毛巾,奔向邦代海灘。沒有親腳踩過邦代的金黃沙灘,就不能說您體驗過了雪梨。這座海灘每天都有膚色黝黑的澳洲救生員四處巡視, 但切記游泳時絕不能超出旗子的範圍!

Australia has a reputation as a land of creatures that bite, sting, and can even rip off your whole arm. At the Wild Life Sydney nature park, say g'day to some of the world's deadliest creatures, as well as some of Australia's most cuddly. But for the zoo with the view, hop back on the ferry and cruise over to Taronga Zoo. Ride the cable car to the top of the hill and follow the paths back down, past some of the happiest and most relaxed looking creatures you'll ever see. And who wouldn't be, with views like this! When it's time to cool off, grab your towel and head to Bondi Beach. You haven't experienced Sydney until you've felt Bondi's golden sand between your toes. The beach is patrolled year round by bronzed Aussie lifesavers, but always remember to swim between the flags!

另一個不可錯過的知名海邊郊區是曼利區。 從環形碼頭搭乘渡輪前往曼利碼頭,這段 30 分鐘航程也是探險之旅的一環。 跳入曼利海灣和緩的港邊水域暢快游泳,或穿越歷史悠久的科索大道前往曼利海灘。如果您從未試過衝浪,別忘了帶上您的海灘褲, 這是個學習衝浪的好地方。活力無處發洩嗎?循著沿海道路和灌木小徑前進,健行到北角回頭欣賞城市的絕美景致。

Another famous seaside suburb not to be missed is Manly. The 30-minute ferry ride from Circular Quay to Manly Wharf is all part of the adventure. Go for a dip in the gentle harbor-side waters of Manly Cove, or head through the historic Corso to Manly Beach. If you've never tried surfing, pack your board-shorts, this is the place to learn. Feeling energetic? Hike the coastal paths and bush tracks to North Head for some incredible views back to the city.


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