永不幻滅的北國童話_芬蘭聖誕老人村 🇫🇮

芬蘭首都赫爾辛基和羅瓦涅米是兩個令人著迷的旅遊目的地。赫爾辛基以其淡色大理石建築和現代設計聞名,遊客可以探索康皮禮拜堂和芬蘭城堡等地標。而羅瓦涅米則是聖誕老人的故鄉,擁有聖誕老人村和馴鹿農場等吸引人的景點。 MOCO AIRLINES將帶您飛往這些美麗的地方,讓您一起探索世界的壯闊,體驗獨特的文化和自然奇觀。

永不幻滅的北國童話_芬蘭聖誕老人村 🇫🇮


芬蘭蓬勃發展的臨海首都:赫爾辛基位於波羅的海東北邊,介於瑞典和俄羅斯之間,這座城市遠眺群島海域 超過 300 座大小島嶼。當地建築傳統上使用淡色大理石,又有「北方的白色城市」之稱。赫爾辛基完美融合了 古典與現代設計,想要深入探索這座城市的文化, 首先就要去欣賞體現芬蘭細緻設計風格 的重要地標 康皮禮拜堂,又稱為靜默教堂。這座包容多元信仰的教堂 位於市區最繁忙的地帶,坐在梣木製的長椅上沉靜一下, 再出發探索這座活躍的城市。

Finland’s thriving waterfront capital, Helsinki, is situated at the northeastern edge of the Baltic Sea. Nestled snugly between Sweden and Russia, the city overlooks more than 300 islands in the waters of the archipelago. Known as The White City of the North for its traditional use of light granite, the city is a seamless blend of traditional and modern design. There is no better way to start delving into the culture of this city, than by starting at a landmark which epitomizes the style and sophistication of Finnish design. Kamppi Chapel, or The Chapel of Silence, is a multi-faith sanctuary in one of the busiest parts of town. Settle into one of the ash-wood pews and meditate before you explore the rest of this delightful city.



赫爾辛基的人十分推崇 藝術家和發明家;他們的人像、紀念碑和雕塑 與各式建築傑作並列,新舊並存。從集市廣場搭乘渡船, 沿著歷史的長河遊歷,一路抵達靜靜守護著這座城市的芬蘭城堡。這些碉堡聳立在群島中的 6 座島嶼上,已經捍衛了芬蘭海峽 將近 300 年的時間。這座城堡以及赫爾辛基 都經歷了一段漫長血腥的拉鋸戰,對戰雙方是瑞典和俄羅斯, 芬蘭直到 1917 年才成功獨立;現在,取代舊日士兵的是享受陽光的旅客。在溫暖的岩石上打盹, 聆聽波羅的海聲聲拍打。回到城市裡,再去看看 烏拉林納區的聖約翰教堂,過去赫爾辛基的居民每到了仲夏夜, 就會在這裡升起營火,慶祝聖約翰日。

In Helsinki, creative minds and innovators are revered. Their statues, monuments and sculptures stand alongside architectural masterpieces, old and new. Start voyaging through history by taking the ferry from Market Square to the city’s guardian, Suomenlinna Fortress. These battlements were built upon six islands in the archipelago and have protected the Gulf of Finland for almost 300 years.The fortress and Helsinki itself endured a long and bloody tug of war between Neighbouring Sweden and Russia, until the nation won its independence in 1917. Today, sunbathers have replaced the soldiers of old, indulging in naps on the warm rocks while listening to the lapping waters of the Baltic Sea. Back on the mainland, visit St. John’s Church in the Ullanlinna district. In the past, Helsinki’s citizens would make bonfires here on midsummer’s eve, otherwise known as Saint John’s day.



赫爾辛基人對於創意發明懷抱熱情, 更不吝於展現這份熱忱。這座城市上下 有很多博物館和藝廊;設計博物館是這裡的必訪景點,館內常設展專門記錄 芬蘭從 1870 年代至今,設計史上的重要時刻

知識是創意之本,赫爾辛基頂尖的教育系統培育出,許多世界上最有創意的人。著名的赫爾辛基大學經營管理 自然歷史博物館,專門研究並邀請大家欣賞 歷史上最偉大的藝術家:大自然。

Helsinki has a passion for creative invention and isn’t shy about showcasing it. There is an abundance of museums and galleries across the city, including the unmissable Helsinki Design Museum. Explore the permanent exhibition devoted to the great moments of Finnish design from 1870 to the present. Knowledge is the DNA of creativity, and Helsinki’s unmatched education system has nurtured some of the finest creative minds in the world. The renowned University of Helsinki runs the Natural History Museum,

which is dedicated to the study and celebration of the greatest designer of all「Mother Nature」.



設計之旅繼續進行, 來到了人類與大自然的壯麗結合:登貝里奧基歐教堂, 別稱「岩石大教堂」。教堂完美嵌入自然岩床,銅製圓頂周圍環繞著 玻璃天窗彷彿懸浮在這座地下大廳之上。寬敞的盆地為教堂提供最特別的音效,是音樂家外出巡演時的最愛。赫爾辛基當地的許多建築 是專門為了演出戲劇和歌劇所建,其中最具指標性的,就是芬蘭地亞大廈,由芬蘭數一數二的大師阿瓦奧圖設計,完美融入城市風景之中,再次精彩展現了赫爾辛基 強大的設計實力。

Continue your design journey to a sublime marriage between mankind and nature. Temppeliaukio Church, otherwise known as the Rock Church, is quarried into the city’s natural bedrock. Its copper dome ceiling is surrounded by glass skylights and appears to float above the subterranean hall. The cavernous basin has otherworldly acoustics, and is a favourite for touring musicians. Helsinki is home to many structures dedicated to theatrical and musical productions. One of the most iconic, is Finlandia Hall. Designed by one of Finland’s finest, Alvar Aalto, the building harmonizes wonderfully with the city’s landscape and is another fantastic display of Helsinki’s phenomenal design stature.




與其他北方國家相比,芬蘭的天氣更容易預測,因為風不是很大,這意味著有更多機會看到北極光,但繼續前進還有另一件事我想説一下參觀聖誕老人村。畢竟羅瓦涅米是聖誕老人的故鄉。聖誕老人村每天都開放,從夏天到冬天,您都可以見到聖誕老人和他的小精靈,但是在雪中發現這個村子時看起來更加神奇,該村距離市中心約 8 公里,您可以搭乘公車、汽車甚至騎自行車來到這裡。 參觀聖誕老人是免費的,但記住你不能自己拍照。

Compared to other northern countries, Finland has a more predictable weather, because it's not so windy that means more chance to see the northern lights but moving on there's another thing that i would like to talk about is visiting the Santa Claus village. After all Rovaniemi is the hometown of Santa Claus. The Santa Claus village is open every, day of the year you can meet Santa and his elves from summer to winter, but the village looks much more magical when discovered in snow the village is around 8 kilometers from the city center and you can reach it by bus, car or even biking. The entry to visit Santa is free of charge but remember you can't take pictures by yourself.



羅瓦涅米周圍有許多馴鹿農場,在那裡您可以遇到當地牧民,他們會解釋有關這些神奇動物的一切,您還可以在聖誕老人村的聖誕老人辦公室外乘坐雪橇,我非常推薦要參加。 如果您駕車穿越拉普蘭,您還可以在野外遇見馴鹿。羅瓦涅米也是哈士奇農場,在那裡您可以獲得真正的哈士奇雪橇駕駛執照。 迄今為止,騎哈士奇雪橇是您在北極最酷的體驗之一,因為與馴鹿不同的是,您實際上可以自己控制雪橇。

There are many reindeer farms around Rovaniemi, where you can meet local herders that will explain everything about those amazing animals, you can also have a sleigh ride just outside of Santa Claus office at Santa village, and I clearly recommend joining the ride. You can also meet reindeer in the wild if you're driving through Lapland.  Rovaniemi also is the husky farms where you can have your genuine Husky sledge driving license. Husky sledge riding is by far one of the coolest experience you can have in arctic, because unlike with the reindeer you can actually control the sledge yourself.

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